Monday, July 17, 2006

my midnight ramblings...can't sleep...think too much

i tend to ramble at times and to the poor ear that has to hear it i do apologize.
this time it was matt on the drive up here.
i started in on the idea of evolving.

when others say the meaning of life or wonder why and look for reasons to be here, i wonder about the sense of evolution.
the only constant that we know to be true and definite is change, evolution. metamorphosis. mutations in DNA. hair and skin color redefining itself according to climate and environment.

we search for "another" and it could be that we "are".

so as we live, society teaches us to become a certain way in relationships. friend. lover. sister. coworker.
when these relationships start to "go wrong" by not being what they started out to be, we revert to clinging, punishing, jealousy, anger, and hurt. we try to make the other not do what they are doing that makes us feel "bad".
what if the thing we are suppose to do "here" is to evolve. change.
continue in an everchanging form.

we consider things to begin and end. what if it is not so and just more of a long line where different things happen in a random pattern. (oh but then we could get into randomness and patterns)
instead of losing and missing what was in a certain way, we find and accept in the new way it lives and become a part of that as well?

much easier said than done. of course.

but the case is, we fight this constant and wonder what is going on. we do not allow the natural flow to occur and therefore disrupt this simple (complex) state of living.
we cause our own dis-ease.
our inherited genes.
we pass our illnesses down to our offspring.

could it be that all we need to know is that everything changes. if we accept it when it comes and watch for the lesson and the direction, could we evolve and understand our involvement with this and know ourselves more?
would we actually see our direction?
would we then be able to direct our path knowingly?

but that would mean that we would have to communicate with ourselves and each other.
and we all know that is the hardest thing for us to do...even in this age of communication technology.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

evolve? genes? inherit? create?

quantum physics magic teaches that we actually can be in two places at once when are really nowhere at all. and just our obversation of a phenomenon affects the phenomenon.

the best thing about this is to break the paradigm of thought we inherit, create, evolve from what we hear/see/read. liken it unto genetics. with the steps forward in mapping the genetic code comes the insatiable push to classify everything with the results of that discovery, and then weld it within that new 'science', forever locking 'evolution' into a nonevolving patter. ironical isn't it.

but the truth most certainly lies in that while we do inherit genetic code, we also modify it as we go, and dare i be blasphemic when i say that we end up with a genetic code different from the one we were born with.
we daily create who we are and what we pass on - physically, mentally/emotionally, and spiritually.

i once talked to a psychologist who worked, by his own confession with little realtive success, with 'difficult' children. during the discussion, which took place on my incense clouded memphis midtown porch on a halloween night as we handed out candy, i offered a response to his gene vs social makeup of his subject's problems dissertation.

i said that yes, we inherit genetic propensities, and we live in an environment and the two certainly take up quite a bit of our space, but the real wild card here is the fact that there is a spirit living in that geneticsocial body and it is totally unrelated to the other two factors.

this is why a well factored, highly favored child can be such a monster, while an underprivleged person who experienced extreme lack of everything can be rise to the top. it's what's inside that makes us who we are and the genetics and environment are but additions or impediments to us as we create our lives.

he looked at me like i was from outer space and said he didn't believe that we have spirit and it's all chemo-social. i didn't say it, but i wanted to tell him that's why he is wanting for success with his work. he's left off the most important part. kinda like going hunting with no bullets. you can dress the part, carry the gun, and blow your little duck call thingy till your blue in the face, but in the end, it's the lead that fills your belly.

is anything random ? or is existence responding to relationships we call 'laws' that are so complex and nuancesical (sp?) that it just all appears random? that's the basis of the 'chaos' theory. but, as i dropped in earlier, i'll go you one better.

i think it's all changing while we live out our days. we each are changing our genetic code in response to our own makeup and interaction with everything else. and, it's not so simple as they'd like it all to be. we live in a universe that is infinite within and without. the smaller you go, the more there is. atoms have ever smaller and smaller parts, and really, it's all just energy vibrating at different frequencies, and mostly space. the larger you go, the more planets, solar systems, galaxies, and perhaps universes there are. all mostly space and = "that what is, is made from that what is not.'

we are that part of us that knows we are, that knows 'i am'. 'i think, therefore i am', is our best attempt at the ultimate corollary, our 'id' reduced to the smallest common denominator.

therefore, we are left with the truth of: "as a man thinks, so is he."