Tuesday, August 01, 2006

so this is me in providence...burning up

it's so hot already!

did i mention that it is hot? IT'S HOT!

did anyone notice that the country is on fire?????

there is a heat index warning of 106 degrees here. of course it is not as hot as memphis can get, but for here it is outrageous.
i was reading the paper this morning and they were talking about how the city helps the people in need when there is a heat wave like this.
the ozone warning is sky high and those of us without A/C (oh yes, that is me...once again) run a risk of heat stroke.
they are extending the hours of public pools and community centers until dark and the beaches are free. they are also handing out free fans for the elderly and handicapped at the schools and community centers. they have also contacted the utility centers and asked that they not cut off any power to people for the next couple of days.
that is pretty amazing to me.
they think of this ahead of time.
if you are poor and cannot afford your utilities, chances are, you don't have a/c and are relying on fans in the house. if the utilities are cut off, then there is a bigger chance of sickness and or death for those that are unable to find a cool spot.
logical sense. so, they have set up cooling spots around the city for people to go to and sit in the air conditioning.
this just amazes me.
a city that thinks about its people, especially the ones that need to be thought of the most.

our aprtment is ok.
we have a couple fans and the double hung windows help immensely. so, i am going to do the "shopping" today. get groceries in the freezing store.
stuff like that.

as long as i carry the fan around with me and sit in front of it, i am ok.

i went to see the new woody allen movie last night...horrible. i left with an anxiety problem more than anything else. it's time for him to stop the nonsense.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

woody allen is an anxiety problem and that's what he communicates, mostly. on purpose.

eat watermelon. put it in the fridge and get it cold. put some ice in your drinking water or maybe on top of your head or on your back.

watermelon detoxifies as well as hydrates and keeps the kidneys working well. but don't get the seedless kind, they are GM and taste like shit. try a farmers market. hard to carry one on a bike tho.

take a cool bath or shower. also, i find if you stay out of the sun, yet do stuff and sweat while drinking enough water, the heat quits becoming quite the problem. of course if you haven't eaten enough salt you can sweat yourself out. during the aftermath of hurricane elvis, i often got into the shower in the middle of the night and drip dried. pool substitute.