Saturday, August 05, 2006

good times

i've had a pretty good weekend so far.
yesterday my dressmaker form arrived.
i have had so much time to think about it and figure out the design and then when i got the form, i set it up in the kitchen, sat on the floor and just stared at it.
it was like, oh great, now what do i do with this???

so, i went nuts today sewing! after riding around with matt looking at bodies of water, i had to go home and work on the dress. that was most of my day.
then, this really nice guy, chris invited us to go to this house show.

the house is across the street from a cemetary and has the most amazing garden and yard.
the inside is incredible. it is a combination of decleyre and felix and the warehouse. matt said it smelled like felix and decleyre, but in a good way!!!
there was a marching band from new york that played and it was so fun. we danced and they played records from the roof.
brian v. would be "J".
i felt like i was at home!

i wish some people from memphis could share this with me, but then i think about it and they are all scattered across the continent, except for a small few.
and i know that they are in a good place for their lives right now.
i got a little homesick tonight. the house collective and the family feeling. i miss that and hope that i can find it here too. not that i feel like it's gone, it's just nice to have that closeness with people near you too.

but...i have met some of the most amazing folks. i am inspired everyday to do something with my life, so i am glad to be here.
there are so many people with such great spirits in this town.
it's uplifting.
i do hope that i can make some good friends here.

last night i saw gillian welch play at a small venue downtown.
it was fantastic.
amazing even.

so, i guess that made up for missing tom waits.

missing some folks pretty bad. i do wish that i could see a few people now and then.
i wish it were easy for us to travel back and forth, but i know that we will see each other when we can.

i got to talk with matt owens today in asheville and that made my day a little better.

i had some ask me if i missed memphis. i reacted in a weird way. i almost took it accusatorily (sp?) and got a little defensive on the inside, like how dare you ask that of me? then i knew that it definitely is a sore spot and that it is ok to miss memphis.
i don't think i have let myself miss it yet.
i have been blocking some of it so i can just get on with my life.
so i am telling myselfe that it's ok to miss some of the people and places and that if i didn't miss them that would mean i didn't care about them. so, with the caring and closeness comes a sadness of distance. it's all a part of it all.

i do wish that i didn't miss certain people though. but oh well.

so the moral of the weekend so far is: friends are amazing.
they show you who you are and what you want and don't want to be.
i hope that i am a good friend to people.
i try and sometimes it is hard to do.
i feel pretty lucky to have some of the best around and tonight especially showed me that.

1 comment:

Arley-Rose said...

that was the Stick and Rag Village Orchestra.. from Boston! I missed the show, but parties at cemetary street are always fun and amazing.

and hey, you've already become one of the most popular people in providence... i wouldn't worry about making friends!