Tuesday, August 29, 2006

every town plays a part

i learned today that the old Vanadium Mine (between Telluride and Placerville) got a boost during WWII. uranium oxide ws discovered to be a key ingredient for the development of america's atomic bomb.

"During WWII, Einstein told Roosevelt that uranium oxide, a byproduct of vanadium that had been tossed away and ignored for years, had a certain value. Suddenly the lines of the old Southern were filled with a highly valuable deposit guarded by federal agents with machine guns".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i had a dream that we depdended solely on wind energy for our needs. did not even know coal existed. lots of flying cars and such....i seriously dreamt this. made driving around our smoggy, hot city a little maddening...

can't wait to see you. l love you...